leadership podcast

12 Best Leadership Podcasts in Hindi

Leadership is the most important element of any venture, because leaders are the decision maker and the risk taker on behalf of the team. In other forms leadership is also seen as motivating people to achieve a common goal or initiating a task which hampers a group of people. Well Read more…

6 Best Astrology Podcasts in Hindi

Astrology is known to everyone. There are so many people who believe in Zodiac signs. Especially Hindu astrology not only talks about our future but also tells us a lot about our past mistakes and our personality. We all want to know what’s written in our fate and what the Read more…

3 Best Fantasy Podcasts in Hindi

Fantasy is a genre of speculative fiction set in a fictional universe, often inspired by real world myth and folklore. Its roots are in oral traditions, which then became fantasy literature and drama. This genre is often in the context of imagination, dreams or hallucinations of a character. From the Read more…