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How to make your podcast SEO friendly?

You have dived head first in the podcasting world and are curating your niche audience. Well, there is another way where you can drive more traffic to your content. It is SEO for your podcast, now you may think but it’s a podcast why do I need SEO?

SEO is a keyword where if people tend to search for something, you need to be including the most searched or generalized title so that your search result is up ahead in comparison to others.

So, in this article, we will be talking on how you can make your content SEO optimized, and devour this possibility as well in terms of driving traffic to your content.

Long tail and Short Tail Keywords

Yes, we understand it’s better if you be more specific in terms of your words in your title so that your audience understands after reading the gist of the content when they are looking for very specific information. It is also important that your content is optimized when the audience does search for information in a more generalized form.

Hence, the concept of long-tail keywords and short tail keywords come handy. Hence, when you are done with your content, make sure you title your podcast with specificity. For example, if you are talking about travels, you may title your content as ‘Travel tips and tricks if traveling to Orlando with children’.

That will be your long-tail keyword where if people are traveling with kids, they will surely listen to your podcast for more information. But you need to attract audiences who haven’t made their plans as of yet and are exploring the possible places to go to. In the scenario you bring in the short-tail keywords, which can be ‘Tips when traveling to the United States’.

So with this equation of using both short and long-tail keywords you will drive an organic audience to your content. This is a successful way to SEO keyword your content for traffic.

Language                       SEO

The only way you can be sure if you are pitching in the right words as keywords is if you do research, what we mean by that is, it is a much better way to know how your audience might phrase their sentences while searching for content. You can do that in multiple ways, firstly you can use social media to see how people comment or interact with you and take notes from there. Secondly, you can search for relevant hashtags to see which hashtag gets more attention and how many posts are affiliated to it. Lastly, you need to make sure of age as colloquial language plays a huge part when your audience searched for content.

For example, the older generation will search more specific content whereas the younger generation will use colloquial language. Another factor to keep in mind is the demographics, as we know the lingo might differ from places, so make sure you research it beforehand on what the title can be phrased as for what audience.

Tools                                      SEO


It isn’t possible to do everything by yourself, hence these tools come handy. You may use Google keyword planner to understand what people are searching for and what they are interested in knowing. It is advised you search multiple phrases so that you get a better idea of what seems to work and what doesn’t.


Make sure you check your competition so that you understand what is working and what is not, Moreover, you can approach this in terms of knowing what has been done and what hasn’t so that you can alter your content to make it more appealing and unique.

Update research

You should also have the habit to search for keywords again to make your content SEO friendly even at the moment of publishing so that you can gain maximum traffic.

Well, that’s about it, these are several ways you can make your content more SEO friendly, use these methods, and attract the audiences to your beautifully curated content.


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