10 Best Indian Health Podcasts in HindiWe’ve often heard the phrase – Health is wealth. But how many of us really care if we are actually taking care of this wealth? In the 21st century, we’ve acquired to a busy schedule. Our daily routine never allows us to pay attention to our health. We are constantly eating junk food yet we do not have any disease. But it is certainly not making us healthy. We are not consuming healthy food. And this naturally means that we are not healthy, but just surviving. Therefore, to actually live and not merely survive, we need to have the basic essentials that make up for a healthy lifestyle.

It is an obvious fact that we need to eat healthy food and exercise. But how? Everyone has a different body functioning and hence not everyone follows the same diet or exercise regime. And hence, we need to follow certain rules according to our appetite and other body functioning.

People often confuse good health with being free of any kind of illness. While it may be part of the case, it is not entirely what good health is all about. In other words, to lead a healthy life, a person must be fit and fine both physically and mentally.

Good health is a luxury that everyone wants but not all of them can afford it. This point itself states the importance of a healthy lifestyle. When a person leads a healthy lifestyle, he/she will be free from the tension of seeking medical attention every now and then. Adding to these things there are a lot of other health issues that one should know about. Knowing about or having the idea of certain allergies and diseases also help you in case of an emergency.

So, we have a set of podcasts for you to listen to. These podcasts talk about how to live a healthy lifestyle and many more health tips and basic knowledge about different medical and health conditions.

1. Know about Vitiligo in Hindi

Vitiligo is a serious disease that not many of us know about. To know more about this disease listen to this podcast.

2. Farmer’s Walk

What is Farmer’s Walk? And how does it add to your health benefit? To know more listen to this podcast.

3. Corona Medicine – Fabi Flu

Listen to this podcast to know more about the new corona medicine – Fabi Flu.

4. Vegan Lifestyle

The vegan lifestyle is quite rending these days. Listen to this podcast to know how you can follow it.

5. Stay Fit without Exercise

Not many of us can exercise every day. Listen to this podcast to know how you can maintain your health without exercising.

6. Inner work क्यों है ज़रूरी? in Hindi

Mental health is as important as physical health. To know more about how you can take care of your mental health, listen to this health podcast.

7. Health Talk with Eye Specialist

Listen to this health podcast which has tips from a professional eye specialist.

8. PPE किट क्या है ? in Hindi

What is the PPE kit and why is it important to wear it while going out? Learn more about PPE Kits and their importance by listening to this informative health podcast.

9. स्वस्थ युक्तियाँ in Hindi

To know more about health tips in Hindi listen to this health podcast.

10. Introduction to Homeopathy in Hindi

Homeopathy is the oldest yet trusted medicine in India. To know more about homeopathy listen to this podcast.


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